Environmental Component in the Conditions of Wartime and Post-War Recovery of Ukraine’s Economy


DOI: 10.46340/eujem.2023.9.6.2

Yurii Drachuk, Doctor of Engineering
The Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Anastasiia Zerkal, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Department of Marketing and Logistics Economics and Management Faculty, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Nataliia Trushkina, PhD of Economic Sciences
Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

How to cite: Drachuk, Yu., Zerkal, A., Trushkina, N. (2023). Environmental Component in the Conditions of Wartime and Post-War Recovery of Ukraine’s Economy. European Journal of Economics and Management, 9, 6, 12-23. https://doi.org/10.46340/eujem.2023.9.6.2



The ecological component in the conditions of wartime and post-war recovery of the economy of Ukraine becomes a priority for scientific and government structures. Considering the extent of the damage and the consequences of ecocide as a result of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant being blown up by the aggressor in Ukraine, it is important to take effective measures to restore ecosystems, ensure environmental safety and sustainable development. This requires a systematic approach, scientific understanding and implementation of innovative solutions. Only by working together and coordinating efforts we can overcome these challenges and create a future where environmental sustainability and economic development go hand in hand. The unique context of modern Ukraine, reflecting the sad reality of the war and the need to restore the country’s economy, requires a serious analysis and understanding of the environmental component in these conditions. Due to the ruthless actions of the aggressor, the Russian regime, Ukraine has witnessed a large-scale act of ecocide, which is equated with the consequences of an atomic bomb explosion or an accident at a nuclear power plant. Ukraine, as a state, must mobilize all its resources to combat the environmental challenges of the war and ensure a sustainable economic recovery. Ukrainians face the challenge of preserving the national heritage, protecting nature and creating favorable conditions for future generations. The use of a wide range of sources and research methods, in particular, analytical literature and author’s research, materials for the sustainable development of the country’s economy in the context of global transformation processes and post-war recovery, directive materials from various sources, world experience in industrial modernization, contributed to a deep understanding of this issue. Research and analysis of information testify to Ukraine’s extreme gratitude for the support of its partners in this difficult period. Ukraine recognizes that with the help of these partners it can win the war and rebuild its country, including the normalization of the ecological situation. Poland expressed its support and the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 Program is aimed at a number of areas, including nature protection, improving the quality of water resources, healthcare, and improving the functioning of the Polish-Ukrainian border. According to the analysis of the expert discussion of ways to restore Ukraine, it was noted that for Ukraine today the economic front is becoming increasingly important, where key aspects of successful restoration should be: human potential, attraction of technologies and management experience, use of funds provided to Ukraine for recovery, proposed innovative ideas and, together with partners of Ukraine, the issues of economic punishment of Russia for the crisis phenomena that it created for everyone, in particular, Poland, Hungary, Germany , Great Britain, Italy and other countries. The scientific approach to the analysis of the economic situation in Ukraine shows that after the war the country should focus on economic recovery through the transition to European management standards and rapprochement with the European Union.

Keywords: post-war economic recovery, ecological component, war in Ukraine, ecocide, environmental safety.

JEL: N40, H56, Q28.



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