DOI: 10.46340/eujem.2023.9.6.3
Andrii Polchanov, D.Sc. in Economics
Department of Finance and Digital Economy, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
Nataliia Vyhovska, D.Sc. in Economics
Department of Finance and Credit, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
Iryna Lytvynchuk, PhD in Economics
Department of Finance and Credit, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
Oleksii Polchanov
Department of Finance and Digital Economy, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
How to cite: Polchanov, A., Vyhovska, N., Lytvynchuk, I., Polchanov, O. (2023). Modeling the Impact of Diia City on it Business Activities in Ukraine. European Journal of Economics and Management, 9, 6, 24-33.
The article studies the influence of the special tax regime Diia City on the activity of IT business in Ukraine. The results of the analysis of literary sources proved insufficient attention of scientists to the issue of quantitative assessment of changes from the transition of IT business from the general taxation system to Diia City, which determined the purpose of the article.
With the help of economic and statistical methods, the key performance indicators of enterprises engaged in computer programming (the predominant type of economic activity in the IT industry of Ukraine) were analyzed, as well as the trends of their change during 2013-2022 were revealed, which made it possible to make income, cost and financial result forecasts for 2023-2025.
Summarizing the practice of conducting IT business in Ukraine, the following main forms of interaction between companies and specialists in the market were identified: “company (employer) – specialist (employee)” and “company (customer) – specialist (independent individual entrepreneur contractor)”. The different status of specialists determines differences in the taxation of their incomes and the existence of additional tax risks. Switching to the Diia City regime provides an opportunity to minimize tax risks and receive significant tax benefits.
Using methods of scientific abstraction and modelling based on industry average values of revenues, costs and financial results, appropriate parameters for a typical Ukrainian IT company were determined. This made it possible to calculate the change in the amounts of personal income tax, single tax, single social contribution, corporate income tax, as well as the tax burden in general when a typical IT company of Ukraine switches from the general tax system with employees to Diia City. In addition, the impact of the transition to Diia City on the gross and net margin of a typical Ukrainian IT company in 2023-2025 was reflected.
Along with this, residence at Diia City does not ensure the liberalization of currency transactions, effective protection of business from force pressure, as well as other conditions created for IT companies registered in EU countries.
Keywords: business, financial model, management, information technology, planning, taxation.
JEL: L86, С52.
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